Low Back Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Low Back Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

What is Low Back Pain? Low back pain is a very common medical condition. Typically it affects the lumbar region, the part of the back below the rib cage, causing varying degrees of pain or discomfort. Lower back pain is considered acute or chronic based on its cause...
Why you may not be getting the calcium your body needs

Why you may not be getting the calcium your body needs

Ever wondered why milk jugs say “fortified with Vitamin D” at the grocery store? It’s because our bodies need Vitamin D to capture the calcium in our bodies, specifically Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol. Calcium and Vitamin D3 Think of calcium blocks...
Alpine Physical Therapy Promo Video

Alpine Physical Therapy Promo Video

We have been busy at Alpine Physical Therapy & Alpine Fitness lately! Here is the latest promo video from featuring some of our staff, physical therapist, physical therapy treatments, and amazing interns. [youtube id=”vZsFw1Vg6_Q”...
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