Is alpine physical therapy accessible? Alpine physical therapy makes sure every part of the building is accessible for several disabilities. It is important to recognize all disabilities and make every space accessible. If you are needing to go to physical therapy it is often because of an injury or after recovering from a surgery. That is why it is top priority to allow new and returning clients the access they deserve.
When you become injured and unable to move around comfortably anxiety and depression start to happen in some cases. Places that were once easy to access become an added challenge to the day. Accessibility also can be different depending on a person’s needs.
Here at alpine physical therapy we provide designated parking spots in the front of our building. We also have elevator access available to anyone who needs it. All doors are wide enough for a wheelchair or crutches to fit through. The gym is also accessible with room to move around the equipment with ease. We provide Braille on most signs. There also are trained professionals who understand how hard a disability can be and will work with you to provide the best individualized care.
Personal Trainers
The personal trainers and physical therapists have taken many courses on understanding how a disability can affect movement. When you come into alpine fitness our team will find the best care directed towards your needs. This is a safe place to ask questions. They are willing to listen to you and the issues you have been facing to create the best way to heal your body.
Through our methods we hope you can find alpine physical therapy a safe place to visit. We hope that you no longer feel fear dependency and get back to your normal movement so you don’t miss out on life’s most precious moments.

We are functional movement screen certified. This treatment can help with day to day life. FMS can help identify limitations in movement when you are healing. This also helps you hit your fitness goals. First, you will need to identify your own fitness needs as a baseline for the personal trainer to create a routine to get you healthy the fastest. It is vital to stay safe and not to push yourself too hard. If you push your body too hard to fast you can become injured.
Ideas To Make Alpine Physical Therapy More Accessible?

Because we are specialized in rehabilitation the physical therapist has seen a wide range of disabilities. This helps grow knowledge of how to handle making the environment accessible. If you still have questions feel free to reach out. We are more than happy to work with you. We also are building a new building. If you come in before the end of April you can vote on how you want the new building to look. Now is also the time to put in any recommendations on how we can be more accessible in the new building.