Postural Syndrome

What’s Tech Neck? Medically known as Postural Syndrome, Tech Neck is the result of texting, driving, or sitting at our desks. People who work in technology refer to Postural Syndrome as Tech Neck. Being in a repeated position like sitting and texting causes strain on the body. Repeated stress on the body leads to limitations on daily movements
The big problem with Postural Syndrome is poor posture can lead to other harmful issues in the body. Muscle fatigue and Headaches cause the body to want to rest. This makes some one who experiences Postural Syndrome less active. Daily movements become harder to achieve. In all, having Postural Syndrome reduces anyones chances of living an active lifestyle.
Tech Neck Is Caused From?
Any repetitive strain on the neck can cause Tech Neck. First, Tech Neck can be caused by sitting at a desk for a long period of time. Second, texting or looking down at a phone periodically throughout the day. Lastly, any activity that can cause strain on the neck.

Symptoms of Tech Neck are different in everyone. Often people experience pain in the neck, but in some cases pain can move affecting the entire spine. Tech Neck can also create stiffness in the upper body creating less movement in the arms. Symptoms are slow to notice but once onset causes anyone who has Tech Neck to be in uncomfortable pain.
Often caused by bad posture. Postural Syndrome causes the shoulders to round over. The spine also may become flat and lose its shape. A S shaped back is beneficial for keeping the body in alignment. Repeated bad posture can lead to muscle loss. When certain muscles are not used for a period of time they lose their strength making it harder to achieve perfect posture in the future.
How To Prevent Tech Neck

Preventing Tech Neck might seem hard due to how much technology is used today. Achieving Good posture should be made a daily focus in order to keep the body active. Example of good posture when sitting is to try not to slouch at your desk. Switch up your sitting position often. Stretch your body throughout the day to help relieve tension in the muscles. Pushing your shoulders back and sticking out your chest is not the best way to achieve “perfect” posture. Try to listen to how your body is feeling. Make minor adjustments instead of everything at once.
In most cases, concentrating on other tasks distracts you from focusing on your posture. Get into a daily habit of reminding yourself to adjust how you are sitting. An active lifestyle also can help prevent Tech Neck. Light exercises like yoga and planks specifically target the core muscles. Strength in the core muscles offers more support to the spine.
Many people in the tech industry will get stand up desks. This option helps computer screens become at eye level helping improve someone’s poster. Another great option to help prevent Tech Neck is remembering to stretch the upper back and neck every day. Stretching helps relieve any built up tension.
Diagnosis For Tech Neck
If you have been suffering from back or neck pain visit your doctor. They may have you perform a brief examination to see your natural posture. This is to determine if your lifestyle has created you to have bad posture. They may also ask you questions about how you sit or sleep. They then will recommend you to a physical therapy or chiropractic center.
Physical Therapy
If you are looking for a physical therapy in Utah county Alpine Physical Therapy is a great option. Located in alpine makes it a convenient location for anyone in Lehi, Alpine, and other close areas. Alpine Physical Therapy has many trained physical therapists who are trained in many different styles to help you feel better. A physical therapist will help you regain your muscles to help improve your posture. They will provide you with different movements to reduce stress and create a custom game plan directed towards your body. Your recovery is Alpine Physical Therapists main priority.
It is always a good idea to check in with your body. See if your lifestyle is affecting your health. If you are noticing your posture becoming worse try to subtly fix your position. Make sure you are equally distributing body weight between both legs when walking. When sitting, try to switch positions often. If you have tried these adjustments to your daily lifestyle and nothing is working visit a doctor to get a diagnosis. A doctor will also help determine what treatment is best for you. Got Tech Neck, Alpine Physical Therapy can help.